After a long research, we finally have the ranking with the bestsellers in each category on AliExpress. Our criteria are based on the price, sale, rating and quality of the products. We’ve only highlighted a few sellers in each category so that this page doesn’t last forever, but each has an additional table of other recommended stores. Let’s go there!
Womens Clothing
1. Beiyingni Store
That sells: Blouses, skirts, dresses, sweaters.
2. Mange store
That sells: Blouses, skirts, dresses, sweaters …
Other business
Men’s Clothing
3. Brauner online shop
That sells: Polo shirts, t-shirts, shirts, pullovers, pants …
4. Official Simwood Store
That sells: Jeans, T-shirts, pants, sweatshirts …
Other shops:
Children’s Clothing
5. Bear guide
That sells: Clothing and accessories for boys and girls from 0 to 14 years.
6. Orange Mom
That sells: Clothes for boys and girls aged 0-14.
Other business
Bags and Shoes
10. Official Yogodlns Store
That sells: Bags and rucksacks for women.
11. Tigernu
That sells: theft-proof, urban, casual backpacks …
12. Old Friend Store
That sells: Shoes, sandals and women’s shoes.
13. QZHSMY Alisa Store
That sells: Men’s sports shoes.
Other business
Jewelry, sunglasses, watches and other accessories
14. Wostu
That sells: Pandora jewelry with 925 silver.
15. Vnox
That sells: Jewelry and costume jewelry for women and men, wedding rings …
16. Official Curren Store
That sells: Quartz watches for women and men.
17. DJXFZLOshop store anchor
That sells: Sunglasses for women and men: classic, modern, original glasses …
Other business
Cell phones, tablets and computers
18. My global shop
That sells: Xiaomi, Redmi, and Pocophone phones
19. Official Realme Store
That sells: Realme phones.
20. Teclast
That sells: Tablets, ultra-light laptops, 2-in-1 tablets.
21. Chuwi
That sells: Laptops, tablets, mini PCs.
Other business
Electronics and Wearables
22. Amazfit
That sells: Smartwatches, activity bracelets
23. Tronsmart
That sells: Headphones and speakers.
24. Hisee
That sells: Surveillance cameras, camera systems, baby monitors …
That sells: LCD and FDM laser printers, printing material, accessories …
That sells: Projectors, projection walls, TV box …
Other business
Domestic appliances
27. Biolomix
That sells: Small kitchen appliances: sous vide, coffee machines, blenders, mixers …
28. Life
That sells: Robotic vacuum cleaners and handheld vacuum cleaners.
29. Oclean
That sells: electric toothbrushes.
Other business
House and decoration
30. Small dreams
That sells: Vases, pots, decorative items …
That sells: Covers for sofas, chairs, armchairs, stools …
32. Paw Stripes
That sells: Accessories and accessories for dogs, cats and pets in general.
33. FRAP
That sells: Kitchen faucets, bathroom, shower, bathroom accessories …
Other business
34. Rockbros
That sells: Cycling equipment: gloves, polarized glasses, helmets, clothing …
That sells: Sport fishing equipment: rods, reels, lines, baits …
36. Nature hike
That sells: Sports equipment for camping and outdoor sports: tents, sleeping bags, hammocks …
37. Aolikes
That sells: Sports equipment for camping and outdoor sports: tents, sleeping bags, hammocks …
Other business
Health and beauty
38. O.TWO.O
That sells: Make-up: eyeshadow, lipstick, eyelash masks …
39. Rosalind
That sells: semi-permanent nail polish, manicure and pedicure accessories.
That sells: Facial care devices.
41. Jinkairui
That sells: Body massager.
Other business
42. Decoration
That sells: DIY tools for home and professional use.
43. Wosai
That sells: Power tools, blowers, cleaning guns, grinders …
44. Livolo
That sells: Body massager.
Other business
May 45, 70
That sells: Car security cameras, air compressors, car vacuum cleaners …
46. June
That sells: smart mirrors, security camera, navigation screens and other car accessories.
47. Minotaur ride
That sells: Motorcycle accessories: suits, helmets, intercoms, gloves, boots …
Other business
48. KACUU Store
That sells: Building games, block games, dollhouses …
49. Robot Shop
That sells: Montessori educational toys, carpets, puzzles …
50. EBQ
That sells: Cheap and professional drones.