Buy COUPONS and Coins on AliExpress

In addition to coupons and seller discounts, for 11.11 it is important to know two other types of coupons that can be combined with one another: “Select Coupons” and “AliExpress Coupons“. Usually the selection coupons are available for coins, but from the end of October to November 13th they are free, so take advantage of this and visit this page from time to time to claim yours.

I also recommend that you collect coins by adding products to the cart daily and doing missions in the app. If you have some you can head over to this page and exchange them for AliExpress coupons (the red ones, remember, the white selections are coupons that you get for free!). In addition, AliExpress gives “AliExpress Coupons” to the most loyal users. You can check if you are one of the lucky ones in this section of your account.

We already have a full guide with offers for the 11 of the 11 from AliExpress and you can also see the promotions page (they will be giving away cars!), But in this article we will summarize the steps to:

  • Get coins
  • Receive vouchers
  • Combine them in the smartest way possible
  • Get things almost for free (yes it is possible!)

Let’s go there!

What are Coins?

Coins are “virtual money” that you can get through promotions and games through the app. I can summarize it in five points:

  1. Add to cart whatever products you least care about: if you change your mind later and don’t buy them, nothing will happen, but you will earn coins in the meantime and receive a notification with their price on November 11th. You can read more about it in this link
  2. Enter the app (“Coins and Coupons” area) daily until 11/11: The more days in a row you enter, the more coins you will receive (they increase exponentially). More information here
  3. Take the actions requested in the Daily Missions section: find pictures, share a category, follow a user, etc. They are quick ways to collect coins.
  4. Play with your head (you lose a lot of coins quickly 😔)
  5. Important: Do not exchange coins for selection coupons. Later I will explain how to better invest them.

What types of vouchers are there

First of all, you need to understand what types of coupons are offered on AliExpress, which is quite complex. As we mentioned in the Coupons from AliExpress post, there are at least six types of coupons / discounts that can be applied to the same product. We explain the most important ones to you.

1. Store Coupons and Direct discounts

These are going to be very popular: it’s the coupons and the automatic discounts that appear on the product pages.


They are available all year round, including November 11th. The direct discount is automatic, instead you need to check the shop coupon how much you are going to spend and hit “Get” to get the highest coupon for that amount.

2. AliExpress Coupons

These are delivered by AliExpress for customer loyalty, they usually magically appear in this section of your account (check it out, many appear around this time).


3. Selection coupons

These are also available all year round, with the difference that they have to be exchanged for coins outside of the Single Days season. However, during the 11 of the 11 and their previous phase, they are free!

For free?

There are no coins in this account and I can ask for 1.83$ coupons until I’m tired. (Well there is a limit of $ 238, in the end AliExpress said “enough”.)

Does that mean you can take a 200$ phone with you for free? Of course not. The choice coupons are distributed by AliExpress, but then the seller determines how many you can use for each minimum amount, as you can see in the GIF above: “Save up to 5.48$ on orders over 59.38$“. The good thing is that they are cumulative. So if you combine them with others you will get a good discount. And that’s what we’ll talk about below, but first there is a fourth type of coupon:

READ MORE  AliExpress Get COUPONS Inviting Friends

4. Promotion Codes


To get them you need to be attentive to AliExpress social networks because they fly. The only disadvantage of these coupons is that they are usually not compatible with AliExpress coupons (the ones in point 2).

But how can I then save even more?

Apart from putting everything that interests me in the shopping cart, we are pursuing this strategy:

1. Buy AliExpress coupons

If you visit this page from the app, you will see that you can convert currencies into select coupons and AliExpress coupons.

Remember that pick coupons are free, so the seconds are the good oneswho have favourited AliExpress Red Coupons. At the time of this screenshot, the $ 10 had flown, but these days it is being replenished.

2. Spend the coins well

If you have coins left over, you can go to the Coins and Coupons section of the app, then click on “Redeem Coins for Seller Coupons“.

There you can check if a store you want to shop at is selling store coupons at a better ratio than the free ones. Here is an example of what we mean by “best proportion”. Hong Kong Goldway only offers these two free store coupons.

Logically, if you only want to buy the Mi Band 4, you won’t get to any of them, and even if you did, the discount is less than 1% of your purchase. On the other hand, you can buy a coupon of 0.92 $ for a minimum stake of 0.93 $ in the “Exchange coins for seller coupons” section. Of course, the ratio between discount and minimum spend is much better than with the free store coupons, right?

You can also buy products directly with the app, even get some almost free, at the symbolic price of 1 cent. They are products for which you have to pay a few coins and some money (from this cent to several euros) and which you can find in the “Coins and Coupons” section. Of course, units are few and far between, they sell out quickly, and you are unlikely to find high quality items. But it doesn’t hurt to have a look!


3. Do your calculations

As mentioned before, you can combine up to four types of discounts (shop coupon, direct discount, selection coupon and AliExpress coupon / promotional code) in the same product, and each of them requires a minimal effort (which usually does not include shipping). Cost) so you need to do some simple calculations. To do this, it helps you to know that the order in which AliExpress applies discounts is the following:

  1. Direct discount
  2. Save voucher
  3. Selection coupon
  4. AliExpress Coupon
  5. Offer code

What does that mean? What can happen to you:

  1. You have an AliExpress voucher of 2$ per 10$
  2. You find a 10$ product
  3. This product has a direct discount of 1$ for every 10$ you spend
  4. So your shopping cart remains at 9$ and you cannot use the AliExpress voucher…

In these cases, all you have to do is look for a piece of jewelry that has the value you need to hit the minimum (in this case, something for 1$). So you save 1 $ more and get the piece of jewelry for free. And that’s it, we hope you save a lot! I will leave you the link to the AliExpress Coupon Center and one of the special offers for EE.UU.